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Common Slip and Fall Injuries

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Most Common Types of Injuries Resulting From a Slip and Fall

Suffering a sudden fail either at home or in a public space can result in a variety of serious injuries. Unfortunately, many people brush falls off as simple clumsiness, which also results in delaying treatment for their injuries. Your Atlanta chiropractor can provide you with the treatment you need to prevent long-term damage from your injuries.

Common Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall injuries to happen to anyone and they can be serious, but after a certain age, injuries sustained in a fall can be debilitating. Some of the most common injuries resulting from a fall include:

  • Head injuries-traumatic brain injury is often the result of a fall. A traumatic brain injury may be as minor as a concussion that heals itself with rest or it may be extremely serious, resulting in lifelong problems.
  • Hip fractures-the majority of hip fractures, especially in the elderly are suffered through a fall.
  • Shoulder injuries-slip and fall accidents can lead to a shoulder dislocation or a brachial plexus injury, which is an injury to a network of nerves known as the brachial plexus, which connects the spinal cord to the shoulder, arm and hand.
  • Back and spinal cord injuries-when a slip and fall happens, the impact can cause a herniated or slipped disc or a fractured vertebrae; all of which can cause significant pain as well as limit mobility.
  • Sprains and fractures-tripping, slipping and falling can led to fractured bones, twisted knees or damages to connective ligaments.

The good news is that there are several treatments options available by your Atlanta chiropractor that can help relieve the pain and symptoms, such as immobility that often accompany injuries suffered from a slip and fall accident. For example, your chiropractor may recommend spinal adjustments to help with injuries to your back and spinal cord, massage therapy to ease tight muscles and exercise to help regain your range of motion.

Contact Our Local Chiropractor to Treat Your Slip and Fall Injuries

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, contact Century Center Chiropractic to schedule an appointment and learn more information treatment options.


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