Headache & Migraine Treatment

Century Center Chiropractic

A headache may not be categorized as a cognitive disorder, but when your head is wracked by headaches and migraines, your pain is all you can think about. Even if your symptoms aren't as severe as those of a classic migraine attack, recurring or chronic headaches can prove a continuing distraction that makes everyday productivity impossible. You can do a lot better than simply medicating that pain. Here at Century Center Chiropractic, our Atlanta chiropractor provides headache & migraine treatment techniques that address the origins of your pain.

Headache & Migraine Treatment at Century Center Chiropractic

Why Headaches and Migraines Happen

Most of us will get a headache at one point or another. While the causes can range from a hangover to a sinus infection, the typical tension headache actually starts in the neck. Neck tension creates muscle spasms that irritate cranial membranes such as the dura mater. That's a problem, because these membranes are all too effective at transmitting pain signals and causing a dull, diffuse headache. Chronic tension headaches may be caused by a cervical spinal misalignment, with imbalances between the head and the neck stressing your musculature. Cervical spinal imbalances can also cause cluster headaches, excruciating headaches that appear in rapid succession.

Many people dread migraines, and for good reason. These attacks go beyond a crushing headache to produce such diverse miseries as sensitivity to sound or light, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and vision problems. The underlying cause appears to be a trigeminal nerve malfunction that prompts cranial blood pressure changes. Numerous physical and environmental triggers can set off migraines in different people. You can trigger a migraine simply by eating the wrong foods or experiencing a change in the weather.

Our Atlanta Chiropractor Has Your Drug-Free Answers

Come to Century Center Chiropractic for safer, longer lasting solutions than you can get from pain-relieving drugs. Our Atlanta chiropractor is an expert at spotting even subtle cervical alignment errors. Careful chiropractic adjustments can center your head on your neck so that your neck muscles can relax, eliminating those chronic tension headaches while possibly reducing your cluster headaches as well. Chiropractic treatment also works for up to 90 percent of migraine sufferers. Correcting your spinal alignment allows your body to function more normally. This means that your trigeminal nerve and cranial blood vessels are more likely to receive the correct instructions.

Make Your Head Happier by Calling Our Clinic Today

If you're tired of dealing with headaches or migraines, take the first step toward a more comfortable life. Call our Atlanta chiropractic clinic at (404) 634-1669 to schedule a consultation and a drug-free course of treatment.


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3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:30 pm



