Shoulder Pain

Chiropractic Care Relieves Shoulder Pain in Atlanta, GA

Atlanta Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Pain Did you know that our chiropractor in Atlanta successfully treats injuries of the shoulder? Here at Century Center Chiropractic, our chiropractor treats many types of shoulder ailments, including dislocations, strains, arthritis, inflammation, and rotator cuff injuries.

What to Expect When You See Our Chiropractor in Atlanta for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder injuries and pain are a relatively common occurrence. Shoulder pain can be caused by overextending the ligaments, repetitive motion wear and tear, and accidental sports injuries. Symptoms of a shoulder injury include limited use of the arm, decreased the range of motion in the shoulder joint, swelling, loss of strength in the arm and shoulder and sudden or dull pain, especially at night. Individuals that are experiencing these symptoms are encouraged to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor in Atlanta for a thorough examination and treatment options.

At the time of the appointment, our friendly staff will welcome you into our office and process your information. Once back in the examination room, our chiropractor will perform a thorough physical examination of the affected shoulder and take a medical history. He will note the degree of pain when the pain started, and any limitations in the movement and strength of the shoulder and arm. Treatment options usually include heat and ice to the affected area, manual manipulations of the shoulder and arm to restore alignment and strength and flexibility exercises to prevent injury recurrence.

Pain Management Options for Shoulder Pain

Restoration of shoulder and arm movement and pain management is paramount in the mind of our Atlanta chiropractor. Dr. Simon has been treating joint disorders and misalignments of the spine for more than 20 years, and nearly every individual with shoulder pain has expressed an extreme desire to end the pain and restore movement and function to the arm.

Part of the pain management process is identifying the source of the shoulder pain. The most common reason for shoulder pain is the stretching and loosening of the four ligaments in the shoulder. When the shoulder ligaments become loose, the joint has a tendency to shift from its normal position or become completely dislocated.

In both instances, our chiropractor in Atlanta will manipulate the joint back into place via a chiropractic adjustment. This immediately reduces the pain, but it does not heal the injury. Multiple sessions are needed for complete pain management and to retrain the shoulder ligaments. Physical therapy exercises are also utilized to increase the strength of the muscles and ligaments surrounding the joint. To reduce swelling and discomfort, alternating ice and heat therapy are recommended.

Most of our patients experience a dramatic reduction in pain and increased usage of their shoulder and arm without the use of medications or surgery after several visits with our chiropractor.

To schedule an appointment with our chiropractor in Atlanta for pain management of your shoulder pain, call our office at (404) 634-1669.


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3:00 pm - 6:30 pm



3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:30 pm



