Hip Pain

Hip Pain Treatment

Hip pain becomes one of the most common chronic pain conditions as we age. At Century Center Chiropractic in Atlanta, we can relieve this chronic pain and help you get back on your feet and feeling comfortable. Our pain management and treatment center can help you regain control of your life. In order to treat hip pain, our clinic has put together this introductory information for you.


Causes of Hip Pain

When it comes to pain management and treatment for your hips, the most important thing is to recognize what can lead to this pain. Our hips are used in every part of our lives. Walking, running, sitting, even a hearty laugh puts some strain on your hips. For this reason, the hips can become worn down as we age.

Hips are also prone to injury. They are the core of the body’s mobility and an injury anywhere within the core can easily translate to an injury in the hip. Here are just a few of the more common hip problems that we treat every day.

  • Inflammation: The hips are prone to inflammation from either overuse, poor posture problems, or an underlying medical condition.
  • Overuse: Your hips are almost always in motion. If you put too much strain on your hips, they can become injured or develop chronic pain conditions.
  • Trauma: Trauma to your hips is one of the most common sources of pain that we treat. A hip injury can lead to temporary or chronic pain that needs treatment.
  • Arthritis: The hips are, essentially, two major joints in the body. Arthritis can set into the hip and cause chronic pain that needs treatment.

Chiropractic Care for Hip Pain

Chiropractors can help with chronic hip pain by manipulating the joints of the hip. We perform measured and safe manipulations of the joints in order to get them back into their proper alignment. We can also align the spinal column and legs in order to make sure that your hips are sitting well with the rest of your body.

Contact Century Center Chiropractic

If you’re looking for chiropractic care for your hip pain in Atlanta, our friendly staff at Century Center Chiropractic are here to help you. Stop into our practice or call us today at (404) 634-1669 for more information. We can help you on your road to recovery and provide the pain relief that you deserve.


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Office Hours


9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:30 pm



3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:30 pm



