
Century Center Chiropractic - Work Ergonomics

Ergonomics is the science of designing the workplace. Poorly designed desks, chairs, workstations or equipment often lead to work-related musculoskeletal issues. Many pieces of office furniture and equipment force the worker into poor postural habits or body mechanics; an ergonomic assessment can help correct this problem. A chiropractor is ideally positioned to help. Century Center Chiropractic can help you out today.


Ergonomics Matters

No matter what kind of work you do, workplace design has an impact on your health. A computer screen that is too high or too low leads to neck and shoulder strain. When a worker must stand for hours in front of a counter that is too low, back pain results. Using a tool – even something like a paring knife or vegetable peeler – that requires you to grip it forcefully can lead to hand and wrist pain. As you compensate for these issues, it puts stress on joints, muscles, and tendons. Over time, this can lead to inflammation and joint misalignment.

Ergonomics Tips

One of the most important things you can do when working is to pay attention to your posture. Even if you have a perfect ergonomic set-up, slouching will lead to trouble. It’s also important not to ignore early warning signs. For example, you go home with a headache every night or you must keep changing your posture during the day to relieve back pain. An ergonomic assessment and changes in the work environment can prevent these early twinges from developing to more serious problems.

What is the Correct Posture?

Correct posture when you sit, stand or even sleep affects your entire body. Here are the basics:

  • Standing – Stand tall with head level, knees slightly bent, stomach tucked in and shoulders pulled back. Feet should be shoulder width apart and the arms should hang naturally.
  • Sitting – Spine should be straight and head level. Keep ankles in front of knees, shoulders relaxed and forearms parallel to the ground. Hips and knees should be at a 90-degree angle and the knees at or below the level of the hips.
  • Lying – Sleep on your side with a pillow between the knees or your back with a pillow behind the knees. A firm mattress is usually best, but comfort should be the key.

Contact Century Center Chiropractic Today

Seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis is an excellent way to deal with potential and actual ergonomic issues. A chiropractor can assess and correct postural problems or misalignments to relieve pain and restore mobility. Please contact us at 404-634-1669 for an appointment.


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