Sports Injury

Many people love sports. Some watch and many play. Football, baseball, golf, tennis, bowling, and hockey are all common sports that people play. While these sports are fun and great forms of exercise, they can result in injuries from time to time. The most common sports injuries include:

    • Sprains and strains
    • Pulled muscles
    • Tennis elbow
    • Golf elbow
    • Concussion
    • Broken bones

Sports Injury

How To Prevent the Most Common Sports Injuries

If you are playing a sport, it is essential that you play responsibly and take the necessary precautions. There are a few tips that you should follow to avoid being hurt while playing sports.

    • Warm Up Before Playing: The best way to prevent a sprain or a strain while playing sports is to warm up and stretch. When you over-stretch a muscle, tendon, or ligament, it can be painful. When you stretch before playing, you will greatly reduce the risk of suffering from a strain or a sprain.
    • Wear the Proper Protective Gear: If you are playing football or hockey, you should be sure to wear a helmet and pads. This will keep you from being injured. Wearing a helmet is especially important to avoid a head injury.
    • Don't Play Through the Pain: If you are injured, it is best to sit out the rest of the game. Playing through the pain will only make things worse. It is best that you don't get back into the game until you have healed completely.
    • Follow the Rules Of the Game: Sports have rules, and they should be followed. For example, sliding headfirst in baseball and softball should be avoided. Avoid checking while playing hockey and spearing while playing football. If you follow the rules, you won't injure yourself or any other players.
    • Stay Hydrated: If you are playing outdoors on a hot day, be sure to drink plenty of fluids. If you become overheated during play, you can suffer from heat stroke.

Treating Sports Injuries

If you are suffering from a sprain or strain, you should rest. Trying to get back into the game too soon will only reinjury the muscle, tendon, or ligament. If you think that you have broken a bone or if you have suffered a head injury, you should seek medical attention immediately. Sports injuries are common in athletes. If you have suffered a sports injury, you should contact Century Center Chiropractic in Atlanta. Our chiropractor can create a treatment plan to help heal the injury, reduce your pain level, and get you back on the field sooner.  


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