Don't Suffer from TMJ Pain!

The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is a joint that is located on each side of your jaw. If you are suffering from a TMJ disorder or your TMJ has been injured, you may be experiencing a great deal of pain. Moving your mouth can cause pain along the joint. Unfortunately, many people are unfamiliar with TMJ pain, and even fewer people are aware that a chiropractor can help this condition. If you live in Atlanta, Chamblee, Brookhaven, Decatur, or the surrounding area, choose Century Center Chiropractic for TMJ pain relief.


What Are the Symptoms of a TMJ Disorder?

The most common symptom of a TMJ disorder is pain within the jaw region. Some people wake up with pain, while others may feel more pain when they move their jaw to eat or talk. Pain in the jaw region can also cause pain in several different areas in your head, such as headaches, or pain behind the eyes or nose region. TMJ can also cause a popping sound along the jaw region. Finally, some people who experience severe TMJ may also experience pain along their neck or shoulders.

What Causes TMJ?

Many different things can cause TMJ. Arthritis can lead to jaw injuries, such as TMJ. Some studies have suggested that genetics play a role in TMJ, with those who have a family history of this condition being more likely to experience it. People who clench their teeth when they are anxious or angry can develop TMJ. People who grind their teeth in their sleep can develop TMJ. Lastly, people who have sustained jaw injuries are likely to suffer from TMJ. Some common jaw injuries are the result of being punched in the face, playing sports, or falling off a bicycle, motorcycle, or being involved in a car accident.

How Can Chiropractic Care Treat TMJ?

A chiropractor provides spinal manipulation. When spinal manipulation is applied, this can take the pressure off of the neck and spine. In turn, you may experience a reduction in pain. We can also fit you with a mouth guard to help protect your teeth from grinding when you sleep.

Get the Help You Deserve Today!

Many people live with this type of pain simply because they don’t realize that there are treatment options available. Chiropractic care offers a drug-free and non-invasive approach to providing the pain relief you deserve. At Century Center Chiropractic, we offer TMJ pain relief and more. If you are suffering from TMJ and you live in Atlanta, Chamblee, Brookhaven, Decatur, or the surrounding area, call us today at (404) 634-1669 to schedule your appointment.


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