Golf Injury

Golf Injury Pain Relief from Our Trusted Chiropractor

While golf is generally viewed as a low-risk sport, those who regularly engage in it are prone to a number of injuries. Many of those injuries can be helped with chiropractic care from Century Center Chiropractic. As a chiropractor serving Brookhaven, Dr. Jared Smith offers treatments that can bring golf injury pain relief for many of the most common ailments that can come with the game.

Lower Back Pain is the Most Common Golf Injury

Lower back pain is the most common of golf-related injuries. Back pain can stem from a number of causes, including a mechanical misalignment, such as a herniated disc, or a soft tissue injury, such as a sprain or strain. The golfer's hunched-over stance can contribute to back pain, as can the constant back twisting during the swing and carrying the heavy golf bag for extended periods.

Tendinitis is another common golf injury, specifically with an ailment known as “golfer’s elbow.” Tendinitis is an overuse injury that causes inflammation of the tendons due to repetitive use. Golfer’s elbow is the inflammation of the tendons inside the elbow area.

In addition to back pain and golfer’s elbow, golfers may suffer from shoulder pain, inflamed tendons near the wrist, knee pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. Chiropractic care can help in many cases by treating the root cause of the pain and devising a treatment plan that uses any combination of methods to alleviate pain and promote healing.

If back pain is caused by a herniated disc or subluxation, a chiropractic adjustment can help by creating space between the vertebrae, restoring proper alignment and eliminating pressure on the affected nerves. Some have experienced golf injury pain relief in as few as one or two sessions, while others benefit from regular treatments to help alleviate chronic pain.

Golfer’s elbow and other forms of tendinitis may be helped with a chiropractic treatment plan that includes joint manipulation. Specific exercises that target the affected area can also help to improve strength, increase mobility and bring relief. Physiotherapy may also be helpful in a number of cases, particularly those that involve a muscle strain or sprain.

Hydro message is another treatment option we offer for golf injury pain relief. This type of therapy relaxes muscles through the use of high-pressure water streams, brining relief to the back, shoulder and neck areas. Additional benefits include enhancing circulation and reducing stress.

The first step in any treatment plan is a consultation with Dr. Smith, at which time he performs an examination and any diagnostic necessary to discern the root cause of the pain. We then devise a customized treatment plan using any combination of techniques, exercises and other treatment modalities that may helpful to your individual situation. As a sports injury chiropractor serving Brookhaven, Century Center Chiropractic aims to bring you relief and help you quickly get back in the game.


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