Joint Pain - Arthritis

Treatment of Arthritis-Related Joint Pain at Century Center Chiropractic

If you feel like your body is growing creakier and more painful with every passing day, you may be suffering from a common yet dreaded complaint: arthritis. This family of ailments causes chronic joint inflammation that can make even the simplest everyday tasks a tortuous experience. But pain killing medication can't do much to improve joint function, while surgery is only reserved for the most extreme cases. Fortunately, we offer an ideal middle ground through our natural healing methods at Century Center Chiropractic in Atlanta.

Treatment of Arthritis-Related Joint Pain at Century Center Chiropractic

How Arthritis Affects the Joints

Arthritis is a term applied to a great many conditions that inflame the joints, from bacterial infections to the painful accumulation of uric acid commonly known as gout. But most sufferers experience either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage in your joints thins out and stops providing the necessary cushion between the bones in the joints. It's a natural end result of years of joint usage, but it can also develop more quickly in athletes and others who overuse specific joints. If you are overweight or dealing with a musculoskeletal misalignment, for instance, you may be placing undue demands on your weight-bearing joints. By contrast, rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the body's immune system malfunctions, attacking the joint components and their lubricating fluids as if they were foreign bodies.

Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can be disabling conditions. Osteoarthritis tends to cause ongoing pain and stiffness whenever you try to move the afflicted joint. Rheumatoid arthritis causes pain and swelling that may come and go, sometimes with disfiguring consequences.

Non-Pharmaceutical Solutions from Our Atlanta Chiropractor

Our Atlanta chiropractor, Dr. Jared Simon, can help you enjoy safer, more satisfying joint pain management than drugs can offer. Once we have evaluated your underlying health, medical history, musculoskeletal alignment, symptoms, range of motion and joint condition, we can prescribe a holistic plan to help you optimize your pain-free mobility. Chiropractic adjustments to the joints can improve the way their components interact with each other. Flexion-distraction therapy can improve the condition of bulging discs, a leading factor in spinal joint inflammation and osteoarthritis. We may also recommend physical therapy or other exercises to help your joints move more freely and with less pain, along with soft tissue treatments such as hydro massage to soothe inflammation.

Gain Control over Your Arthritis -- Call Our Atlanta Chiropractor Today

You don't have to lose control of your body and lifestyle to inflammatory joint pain. Gain a measure of control over your arthritis by calling our Atlanta chiropractor at (404) 634-1669 to schedule treatment!


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