Common Auto Accident Injuries

Our Atlanta Chiropractor Utilizes Chiropractic Care for Atlanta Car Accident Injuries

If you are experiencing aches and pain after a car accident injury, do not wait to seek treatment. A car accident injury will not simply ‘get better’ on its own without proactive care. Our chiropractor has significant experience treating common car accident injuries, including whiplash injuries, back pain and headaches. Whether you are experiencing soreness and stiffness in your neck from whiplash or dealing with lower back pain, our team at Century Center Chiropractic is here to help.

Atlanta Chiropractic Care Treats Whiplash, Back Injuries, Headaches & More!

Atlanta Chiropractor treats common car accident injuries Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries. You do not need to be in a serious car accident to sustain a whiplash injury. All it takes is a minor fender bender at speeds as slow as 5mph to knock the cervical spine out of alignment. Whiplash injuries affect the spine’s natural curvature and also strain the nearby ligaments and tendons in the neck. This causes pain and reduced mobility. Whiplash injury symptoms include neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches at the base of the skull, dizziness and difficulty concentrating, soreness and stiffness, and tenderness in the shoulders and upper body. Some individuals also experience ringing in the ears, blurred vision, sleep disturbances, irritability, and memory problems. A prompt and accurate diagnosis from our chiropractor will include a full treatment plan to address these symptoms and relieve your pain.

Chiropractic care treats whiplash injuries by restoring correct curvature to the cervical spine. This helps to relieve pressure on the ligaments, tendons and nearby nerves, consequently reducing pain. If you are experiencing mobility limitations due to your whiplash injury, corrective care exercises may also be beneficial. These exercises focus on bringing a fuller range of motion back to the neck and upper body, along with improved flexibility. Many of these exercises can be done safely from the comfort of your own home and no special equipment is required.

Back injuries are also common following a car accident. While a seatbelt is an important life-saving safety feature, it works by stopping the body from moving in response to an accident’s force. This means that back will not move naturally in response to the force of a car accident’s impact. It is not uncommon to suffer from a herniated or slipped disc. If you are experiencing back pain, this pain may be due to the compression of lumbar spine on nearby nerves, which can trigger a radiating pain sensation. Our Atlanta chiropractor uses diagnostic tests to determine the precise location for a slipped or herniated disc in the lower back. Chiropractic adjustments can help bring proper alignment back to the lumbar spine and alleviate nerve compression.

Chiropractic care provides immediate pain relief, brings a fuller range of mobility back to the body, and treats whiplash injuries by targeting the root cause for your pain. To learn more about the benefits of chiropractic care for treating your car accident injury pain, schedule a diagnostic appointment today. Call us at 404-634-1669.


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