Personal Injury

Personal Injury Century Center Chiropractic

When you are in an accident and you sustain a personal injury, treatment in Atlanta, Buckhead, and Brookhaven is available. Chiropractic care gives you the ability to heal naturally after a personal injury. At Century Center Chiropractic, we provide treatment for pain, poor range of motion, inflammation, and lack of mobility to aid in your recovery after an injury.

Personal Injury

Care Options after a Personal Injury

Healing after suffering a personal injury takes time and quality treatment. When you work with a chiropractor in Decatur or Chamblee after an injury, you will discover that the treatment complements many other therapies you could be receiving. You can go to a chiropractor and still see a massage therapist, primary care doctor, or specialist, without the treatment from a chiropractor interfering. 

Your Chiropractic Evaluation after an Injury

When you are hurt and you seek treatment from a chiropractor for your injuries, chiropractic care begins with a careful medical history and evaluation to determine what is causing your pain. Imaging may be required to take a closer look at what is going on with your injuries. Your spinal alignment will be checked, and any areas that are painful to the touch will be assessed. Your chiropractor will then develop a treatment plan to help you recover from your personal injury.

Treatments Used To Help You Heal

The chiropractic treatment that you receive for your personal injury is going to depend on the treatment plan that is developed by your chiropractor. Spinal adjustments are common to help align your spine and improve the function of your nervous system. You may get massage and ultrasound to break up scar tissue and improve circulation to the area. Traction is sometimes used to reduce pressure when the disc space is narrowed after an injury. Hot and cold therapy is also used to relieve pain and promote relaxation.

Chiropractic Visits in Brookhaven

Treatment during the acute phase will be a few times a week to get the healing process going. Once you are starting to feel better, you will see the chiropractor less often. Eventually, your symptoms will subside between appointments, and you can see the chiropractor for maintenance sessions once a month.

Find Treatment Today After A Personal Injury

If you are in pain and need treatment in Atlanta, Buckhead, Chamblee, Brookhaven or Decatur, our chiropractor at Century Center Chiropractic is ready to help. Set up an appointment now by calling 404-634-1669 and get started on your path to healing from a personal injury now. Chiropractic care can improve healing times and alleviate pain after an accident.


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Office Hours


9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:30 pm



3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



9:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:30 pm



