Hip and Leg Pain

Man with hip pain in Atlanta Hip and Leg Pain Treatment with our Atlanta Chiropractor

The hips serve a wide variety of functions for the body; they allow one to bear weight, stand upright, walk smoothly, run, jump and kick. Since the hips are engaged in almost every way one moves, pain can be an effect. Although hip pain is often due of osteoarthritis or an injury, it may be the sign of another health problem and leg pain can often be a side effect of hip problems. Dr. Jared Simon can help identify the source of hip and leg pain and develop a treatment plan designed for your symptoms.

Causes of Hip & Leg Pain

Pain in the hips may be the result of a problem with the hip joint itself or it may be pain from a problem associated with the hip. There are several conditions that can cause leg pain, hip pain, leg tingling and leg numbness.  The most common cause of these hip and leg ailments includes:

  • Inflammation from injury, such as strains,sprains and fractures
  • Infection
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sciatica
  • Overuse of your muscles or tendons
  • Pinched nerve in spine

Chiropractic Treatment for Leg & Hip Pain

The primary treatment goal is for our Atlanta chiropractor to determine the cause of hip and/or leg pain. In order to help restore the mobility and return proper function of the hip joint and leg, the first step is generally includes controlling and reducing the swelling. Dr. Jared Simon of Century Center Chiropractic has the training and equipment to determine if hip pain is coming from a pinched nerve in your spine, which may be causing sciatica or if the pain is related directly to the joint itself.  Sifting through your symptoms will help your chiropractor determine the cause of your hip and leg pain.

Visit Century Center Chiropractic in Atlanta

After performing a thorough physical examination, your chiropractor will create a personalized treatment plan that may include posture advice, massage therapy, stretching, adjustments and exercise. The goal of your treatment plan will be to reduce the inflammation, strengthen weakened muscles, improve mobility of the hip joint, relax any existing muscle spasms and ultimately relieve your pain.

Call Century Center Chiropractic at (404) 634-1669 to schedule a consultation today to start relieving your hip and leg pain.



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3:00 pm - 6:30 pm



