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Beyond Injuries: The Beneficial World of Chiropractic Treatment

Beyond Injuries: The Beneficial World of Chiropractic Treatment              

When most people envision chiropractic treatment, the first image that pops into their head is usually a whiplash or back injury sufferer receiving adjustments. But while chiropractic care does indeed provide welcome relief from these acute conditions -- without surgery or drugs -- it is also capable of achieving a great deal more. As utilized by our skilled chiropractor in Atlanta, Dr. Simon, chiropractic treatment can play a major role in everything from managing chronic conditions to preventing those conditions from gaining a foothold in your daily life.

An All-Purpose Health, Wellness and Symptom Management Tool

The same kinds of chiropractic adjustments that restore normal joint motion and relieve acute pain from pinched nerves can also provide the body with a wealth of other important benefits. It's important to bear in mind that you don't have to sustain an injury to suffer from musculoskeletal imbalances. As these imbalances grow more and more serious, they can threaten your overall posture and alignment, resulting in a variety of aches and pains. They can also cause spinal structures to pinch major nerves, nerve roots or even the spinal cord -- which in turn can limit your body's internal communications. An impaired nervous system can contribute to all kinds of health challenges, from weak immune function to infertility. By correcting these imbalances at their source, chiropractic treatment can, therefore, serve as an amazingly versatile and effective solution for:

  • Pain management - Instead of simply anesthetizing your perceived pain temporarily with the use of drugs, chiropractic care can directly improve your nerve function, freeing you from many of the painful neurological symptoms caused by nerve impingement. Periodic adjustments can also help you keep your joints moving correctly and keep your entire body properly aligned, easing muscular tension and pain.
  • Systemic illness treatment - The same improvement in nerve function that reduces chronic pain can also help normalize your other major physical systems' interactions with each other. This means that our chiropractor in Atlanta can actually help you control or even reverse many kinds of health challenges, from organ dysfunction to neurotransmitter imbalances.
  • Athletic performance - An off-balance body is more prone to injury, especially when stretched to its limits through sports. Chiropractic treatment not only treats athlete’s injuries; it can also help you steer clear of future injuries.
  • Preventative wellness - Athletes aren't the only ones who can use chiropractic care to stay healthy. Regular adjustments as needed can help your whole family maintain optimal function and wellness for life.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor in Atlanta

As you can see, chiropractic treatment's range of benefits extends far beyond simple injury rehabilitation by dealing with an entire list of health and wellness concerns. Contact our chiropractor in Atlanta at (404) 634-1669 to find out how it can help you! Has chiropractic care helped you through an injury in the past? Tell us your story!

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