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Why Professional Athletes Choose Chiropractic

Be Like a Pro Athlete: Visit a Sports Injury Chiropractor in Atlanta

A sports injury chiropractor typically works on ordinary people, not pro athletes. However, that is just because there are more chiropractors than professional sports players can employ. It's also good for you because it means that you can have access to the same type of high-quality care that pro athletes choose.

sports injury

Professional Athletics and Chiropractic Care

Most professional sports players and pretty much all professional sports fields use chiropractors. The NFL teams employ around 34 chiropractors who might do as many as 27,000 adjustments in the football season. One pro golfer employs a chiropractor who travels with him and adjusts him one to two times a day.

Sports put high physical demands on the body that require almost constant healing of minor damage. The body is good at healing, but sometimes it heals with bones or joints just slightly misaligned. Sometimes these misalignments are not even noticeable, but others can cause severe pain or difficulty moving. In any case, minor issues can become major ones if they are not addressed.

Chiropractic care has several key features that appeal to pro athletes:

  • Does not use drugs (which might be prohibited or affect performance)
  • Does not use surgery (which might require the athlete to take extra time off)
  • Can provide immediate relief (gets them back on the field sooner)
  • Deals with the source of the problem (helps prevent chronic injury development)

All of these features can also help other people who have an injury caused by sports recover in Atlanta. You don't need to be a professional athlete in order to benefit from chiropractic care.

Choose the Method the Pros Use: Visit a Sports Injury Chiropractor in Atlanta Today!

Here at Century Center Chiropractic, we offer assistance to help people who play sports recover in Atlanta. Choose to do it how the pros do it: visit a sports injury chiropractor in Atlanta for help recovering from anything from a nagging pain to a nasty injury. Call us at (404) 634-1669 today to make an appointment, and be sure to ask about our $40 new patient special!

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