3 Tips for a Happy (Healthy) Halloween!

3 Tips for a Happy (Healthy) Halloween in Atlanta, Georgia!

Halloween is coming up fast! During these days of spooky stories, black cats, ghosts and scary bare trees, children everywhere are already starting to get hyper just thinking about the sugar they'll be consuming in a few weeks’ time. Sugar is bad for the teeth and can make weight management difficult. At Century Center Chiropractic, we want your kids to have a safe and happy Halloween, so we're posting these three tips to help minimize the harmful effects of sugar.

Advice from your Atlanta Chiropractor

  1. healthy Halloween kids Atlanta chiropractorGive out little toys and school supplies. You don't have to give out candy to make the kids happy. Buy fun erasers, bracelets, little action figures and other fun play things to pass out at Halloween. This way you'll help keep the candy out of your neighborhood, while also helping to ensure that your home isn't full of leftover Halloween candy when the night is through.

  2. Opt for candy with less sugar. The darker the chocolate, the less sugar it contains. Even better, dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, which is good for the body in lots of other ways. So, if you must pass out candy, opt for healthy candy like dark chocolate.

  3. Save the candy till later. Have your kids save the candy until after meals. Eating a meal increases their saliva production, which helps wash away the sugar and keep the teeth healthy. It also helps to have your kids drink lots of water while eating their candy, because the water helps remove the biggest candy particles.

Want more tips to help protect your children (and maybe even the neighborhood children) from sugar? Contact Century Center Chiropractic and set up an appointment with an Atlanta chiropractor today. We can give you more ideas for keeping your children nourished and happy at this fun time of year.


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