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How to Decrease Back Pain with Daily Exercise

How to Decrease Back Pain with Daily Exercise

Is back pain affecting your ability to live an active life? Don’t wait until your back pain is severe, to seek treatment. In addition to regular chiropractic adjustments, daily corrective care exercises are essential for relieving your pain and reducing the risk for further back problems. These corrective care exercises can all be done from the comfort of your home and require no special equipment. All your need is 10 to 15 minutes!

3 Daily Exercises for Less Back Pain

#1: Warm-up by lubricating the spine. Start your corrective care exercise routine by practicing cat/cow pose for 2 minutes. This classic yoga posture is a gentle way to warm up the body and prepare the spine for movement. Start on all fours with your hands and knees on the ground. Lift the chin up and drop your belly down towards the mat; this is “cow”. Next, contract your stomach muscles and round your back in the air like an angry cat while tilting your head down and looking at your thighs; this is “cat”. Flow between the two poses as you breathe in and out, linking your breath with movement.

#2: Relieve tension with a spinal twist. The muscles surrounding the spine can naturally stiffen over time, which can further reduce mobility and worsen back pain. Spinal twists lubricate the spine, strengthen the back muscles and support a fuller range of mobility. Lie on your back with your feet on the floor and knees in the air. Lower the knees to the right for 15 seconds, then to the left for 15 seconds. Alternate between both sides for 2 to 3 minutes.

#3: Strengthen the core with crunches. Strong core muscles hold the spine in place and prevent poor posture and lumbar spine compression. With your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, contract the abs and lift your upper body off the floor. Hold for 10 seconds, then lower your body in a controlled movement. Repeat 20 times.

Do you currently practice any exercises for back pain relief? Share your experiences below!

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