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Auto Accident Injury Pain Arrives in Many Forms

Auto Accident Injury Pain Arrives in Many Forms

Auto accident injury can cause serious complications that make everyday activities difficult. In some cases, neck pain, back pain and other symptoms may signal more serious conditions like whiplash or spinal fracture. Care from our Atlanta chiropractor offers a natural alternative for pain management and healing after an auto accident.

auto accident injury pain treatment from Atlanta chiropractor.jpgTreatment for Back and Neck Pain 

Whiplash is a common form of auto accident injury that occurs when a sudden jolt causes hyperflexion and hyperextension of the neck. It is most frequently caused by rear end auto accidents. Neck pain is the most common symptom of whiplash and can range in severity from mild to extreme. Other symptoms may include sensory disturbance in the arms or legs, referred shoulder pain and headache.

Back pain is another frequently reported symptom of auto accident. It may arise from a variety of conditions such as herniated disk, sprains, strains or fractures. A herniated disk occurs when one of the disks that separates the spinal bones ruptures. Symptoms include moderate to severe back pain that is worse when standing, walking or bending. Sprains involve the overstretching a ligament while strains are caused by overstretching of a tendon or muscle. Both strains and sprains can cause pain and reduced mobility in the affected area. Fractures are a more serious type of auto accident injury that may lead to spinal fluid leaks, infection or other serious complications if left untreated. In each of these conditions, back pain is a primary symptom.

At Century Center Chiropractic in Atlanta, we focus on treating the whole patient mind, body and spirit. Dr. Simon uses proven holistic treatments like hydro massage, physical therapy and traditional chiropractic manipulations to promote healing naturally. With over 20 years of experience treating auto accident patients, we proudly serve the downtown, midtown and metro Atlanta areas.

What treatments have you found effective for your back or neck pain?

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