
Viewing 49 - 64 out of 91 posts


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Choosing a Chiropractor -- Which One Is Right for You?

Choosing a Chiropractor -- Which One Is Right for You?You know you need a chiropractor, but selecting one is not always easy. Choosing a provider among the top chiropractors in Read More

3 Common Causes of Migraines

3 Common Causes of MigrainesIf you suffer from migraines, then you know all too well that they can cause nausea, light and sound hypersensitivity, visual "auras," and of course excruciating Read More

Learn How Chiropractic Care Can Help Manage Car Accident Injury Pain

Our chiropractor serving Brookhaven and Atlanta area can help you achieve pain relief after your car accident.Whiplash SymptomsWhiplash is the most experienced car accident injury and accounts for numerous emergency Read More

Our Chiropractor can help with Auto accident Claims

Don't wait to see our Chiropractor after an Auto AccidentOur auto accident chiropractor in Atlanta GA recommends that anyone who has recently been in a car accident schedule an appointment Read More

Gentle Prenatal Care from Our Chiropractor in Atlanta

Gentle Prenatal Care from Our Chiropractor in AtlantaReceiving care from our chiropractor is beneficial before, during and after pregnancy. It can lessen the symptoms of pregnancy and make for a Read More

Hiatal Hernia: A Hidden Culprit Behind Chronic Illness

That feeling of discomfort you get after a meal, sometimes accompanied by heartburn, mild to moderate recurring chest pains, and even breathing problems and anxiety may be caused by a Read More

Why Visit Your Chiropractor This Holiday Season

Why Visit Your Chiropractor This Holiday Season‘Tis the season for spending time with friends and family, giving special gifts, and sharing joy… and it’s also the season for stress, weight Read More

The 3 Common Causes of Sciatica

Sciatica is an inflammation, irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve starts at the lower back, branches at the buttocks and ends in the feet. An injury Read More

The 3 warning signs of Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is also known as lateral epicondylitis. It is a repetitive motion injury of the elbow and most commonly affects individuals that play racket sports or work with their Read More

How to Decrease Back Pain with Daily Exercise

How to Decrease Back Pain with Daily ExerciseIs back pain affecting your ability to live an active life? Don’t wait until your back pain is severe, to seek treatment. In Read More

Do you know what month has the most auto accidents in the U.S.?

Do You Know What Month Has The Most Auto Accidents In The U.S.?Winter seems on its way out in most states, and we're beyond the dreaded Ides of March. But, Read More

Don't Let "Text Neck" Become a Habit

Don't Let 'Text Neck' Become a HabitText Neck - It's a modern-day affliction caused by, you guessed it, too much time spent with your smart phone.It is painful; it's also Read More

Medicare for your Chiropractic Care

Medicare for Your Chiropractic CareGetting chiropractic care can be an important part of staying healthy, depending on your medical condition. If you are a senior, you can use Medicare Part Read More

Summer is NearTreat Sports Injuries With Chiropractic Care!

Summer is Near…Treat Sports Injuries With Chiropractic Care!Did you know more injuries relating to sports occur in the summer time than any other season? The weather is warming up and Read More

5 Driving and Car Safety Tips

5 Driving and Car Safety TipsSummer is here, which means that more families are on the road vacationing, heading to the beach, or taking a Sunday drive. While it’s difficult Read More

How Chiropractic Can Help With Your Pregnancy and Birth

How Chiropractic Can Help With Your Pregnancy and BirthMake chiropractic care at Century Center Chiropractic part of your prenatal routine for a smooth pregnancy and delivery. Our chiropractor, Dr. Simon, Read More

Viewing 49 - 64 out of 91 posts


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